Sunday, January 31, 2010

yogurt failure #3

I have officially failed at my third attempt to make yogurt.

Everything I've read says it's easy.

I don't think it's easy.

I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. The first time I thought it was the incubation temperature, the second time the milk separated, and this time... well, I'm pretty sure it wasn't the incubation. Maybe my yogurt starter was too old?

I'm going to try one more time. Fresh milk, fresh yogurt, and making sure I'm at home for the incubation process to continually monitor temperature.

In all, it's a pretty involved process though. I'm not sure I'm going to be able to use it to replace the yogurt I buy in the plastic tubs at stores. I eat too much of the damn stuff, and I'm not about to give it up for this plastic challenge. My shopping habits (and subsequently diet) are restricted enough as it is between no plastic and no meat.

But I am going to try one more time. The yogurt has not beat me yet!


  1. How are you doing it? Do you have a yogurt maker or are you doing it some other way? I use a thermos.

  2. damned yogurt! Give it hell MM, then add some strawberries... yum!

  3. i've been trying a few things. attempt 4 was met with success, actually! And in that case I used a styrafoam cooler. Oh, the irony of avoiding the plastic yogurt containers by using more plastic... but we found it in the back storage room and my roommate was about to get rid of it before I stopped her so I could try it for a yogurt incubator. It works pretty well!
