Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Congratulations to Clean Bin!

Another quick shout-out to some fellow Vancouverites, this one to Grant and Jen of the Clean Bin Project. They have completed the documentary they did of their year long (turned life long, as it so often does) project, and I was lucky enough to attend one of the first public screenings this past Saturday.

And it was fantastic!

I have to admit I was the teensiest bit concerned because I had dragged some friends to it with me who were like, "what? it's a movie about garbage? um... ok, well I guess if that's what you want to do..." but they all thanked me afterward for bringing them because the movie was excellent, and despite a long delay at the beginning due to some technical difficulties at the cinema, the evening was 100% worthwhile.

They are cycling the film across the country, so if any of you are reading this blog from other parts of Canada, check out when they might be coming to a theatre near you, or perhaps contact them to set up coming to a theatre near you! Both can be done through the Clean Bin Movie site, I think.

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