Wednesday, January 6, 2010

travelling success

I had some big successes yesterday!

It was my brother who pointed out the particular challenges that plane travel might present. I hadn't really thought too deeply about it - it was only an hour and a half flight, I wasn't much worried about getting bored, about trying to sleep, or about getting hungry. But it's true I do like to get a glass of apple juice on the plane. And sometimes tea.

"What are you going to drink out of when they come around with refreshments?" he asked.

Darnit. I hadn't thought. But that's ok, I figured, I'll get them to put a drink in my water bottle for me.

In all, it was really no problem! The first success was in the airport, when the plane was delayed and I decided to buy supper. Armed with the failure of the plastic-wrapped sandwiches I was keen to find myself a meal that was plastic-free. I surveyed the sandwich options, considered subway, but opted against the over-the-top wrapping that involves, and settled on chinese. It was served on a paper plate, and out of metal containers. Yay! Things were looking up until my plate was half-full and I suddenly realized, crap! I'm going to have to use a plastic fork! But no, this was chinese food, and they had chopsticks! Fantastic.

Next, would I like a drink with that? I was a little thirsty, but I squinted at the options in the cooler and they all came in plastic bottles. "Nothing to drink, thank you," I said to the girl behind the counter, a little sadly. Lucky for me, she understood what I wasn't saying.

"Would you just like some tap water?" she asked. Oh yes! I remembered, I had a water bottle!

"Could you put it in here for me?" I asked with a gleeful smile. She smiled in understanding, a kindred spirit to be sure, and filled it to the top. The girl totally made my day. I practically skipped (I'm sure if I hadn't been carrying a tray full of food I would have) over to a seat next to the window and ate my meal feeling very pleased with myself indeed.

So then I get on the plane and I've realized that I can't get my apple juice in my water bottle because, duh, it's full of water. But that's ok, I can live without apple juice. I've got a powerful hankering for tea, though, darnit. Then I remember that I've got a tea cup in my backpack. Not a travel mug, designed for this kind of thing, but an actual teacup. I had decided at the last minute to bring it with me, and I didn't want to repack everything in my suitcase in order to get it in there safely, so I had just tucked it in my backpack.

"What kind of tea do you have?" I ask the flight attendent.

"Regular black tea, and peppermint."

"Peppermint please, and can I ask a really strange question and get you to put it in here, please?"

"Oh yes," she says, "I totally understand. I HATE drinking tea out of a styrafoam cup."

Yay! How lovely! Yummy peppermint tea in my blue porcelain cup. Water in my stainless steel water bottle. I managed the whole trip without plastic!

Well, that's not true. Westjet likes to put big backpacks in plastic bags. But I figured I'd be better not to request that mine not get put in a bag since it wouldn't be only my bag that would be affected if straps got caught in things. I would like to point out, however, that that bag has been on many a luggage belt and it hasn't been caught yet. Maybe I've just been lucky. Or maybe we dont' really need to use the plastic bag after all.


  1. It sounds like you want to get a backpack coveer for your pack to avoid the plastic wrap. I've used mine going to Australia and the UK and can double as duffle bag if you need it. MEC sells some.

  2. Sure DOES sound like that! Thanks!
