I tried to be more conscientious about my plastic collecting habits this month, so hopefully this count is a more accurate representation of my plastic consumption for the month.
I don't know if it's because I ate out more, or because I was paying more close attention, but this month I finally experienced what I've read some others' frustrations about: collecting unwanted and unasked for plastic at restaurants. There are two plastic straws in my collection this month, which came in drinks I didn't ask for, or forgot to ask to get without a straw. I also have one of those weird toothpicks with the random plastic crap on the end, and two plastic cups that held salsa and sour cream which came with my burger. It wasn't a take out place, I was definitely not expecting that there would be plastic thingys on my plate when it came. Frankly, it was kind of annoying.
Then again, this is one of the reasons I undertook this challenge. These are the things that we remain blissfully unaware of until we force ourselves to notice. In my case, it took collecting all the plastic I used for the month (and therefore dumping out the leftover salsa, wrapping the plastic tub in a napkin and tucking it in my pocket to take home - and HANG whatever anyone who saw me thought!) to make me realize there was plastic on my plate, but others might be inspired in different ways. I encourage everyone to pay a little closer attention to the sneaky ways disposable plastic items creep into your lives, without you even noticing, for just a day. You might be surprised.
And now, on to the list.
1. Two wrappers from cheese. I haven't found a good plastic-free cheese source yet (still haven't made it to the farmer's market) and I can't give up the cheese habit. I just can't. But I am going to a cheese-making workshop this month! I don't know if that will impact my cheese-buying habits yet or not, but it should at least be interesting.
2. One plastic cup. Another restaurant collection. This came from a very sweetly intentioned Indian man. I had stopped in at his shop for a quick bite of lunch, hadn't looked closely enough and taken stock of the fact that it was very much a fast food joint, did ask if they would serve my meal on a plastic dish, was told no no, it comes on a metal plate, and thus ordered some combo meal or another. He brought it out to me on, as promised, a metal plate, but with plastic utensils. I was horrified, and a bit frozen. What to do? Take the plastic and chalk it up as a learning experience? Or try to get out of it? So I asked, ever so sweetly, I know this is a little unusual, but is there any possible way he might be able to let me use a metal fork or spoon? He hesitated a moment, then, yes, perhaps, one moment. I waited patiently at the counter. He came out with a spoon "that's all we have" he said apologetically, "this is a fast food place." Yes, I know. I thanked him warmly and sat back down to my food, feeling rather pleased with myself. A few moments later he sweetly came over with a cup of chai tea "on the house." In a plastic cup. I smiled and said thanks. And took the cup home to add to my pile. Sigh.
3. Seven plastic-window envelopes. Still working on reducing this number.
4. One bottle of tonic water. What can I say. I wanted a gin and tonic. Sometimes a girl needs her gin and tonic. You know?
5. One tofu package. Getting sufficient protein can be annoying. Particularly when you are stuck reconstituting dehydrated beans all the time. I was bored of lentils and wanted a stir fry. With tofu. Sometimes other things win over the plastic challenge. Such is life.
6. Four milks bottle lids.
7. One credit card plus sticker. They sent me a new one this month. That one expired. This is one of those supposedly unavoidable plastics, I think.
8. Two restaurant containers. Explained above.
9. Two plastic straws. One from a water at a boston pizza, and one from...i think it was an iced tea at the same place as those containers.
10. One cookie package. I think this was actually leftover from the Olympics, but I don't actually remember.
11. One random piece of plastic wrap. This may have been from a muffin I ate at a coffee shop. Also don't remember.
2. Packaging from a pair of scissors
13. Packaging from a piece of chocolate my roommate brought back for me from Atlantic House. Also left over from the Olympics.
14. One plastic-tipped toothpick. This magically appeared on a sandwich I ordered. Wasn't there when I ordered it! I promise!
15. Two other small pieces of plastic related to price tags.
16. Six contact containers. And their associated contacts. Not much to explain here, I don't think.
17. Roughly twenty five 20 cm long pieces of floss. I don't collect this, but I do floss daily, or almost daily.
18. One jug of tide laundry detergent. I ran out. Was feeling a bit blue at the prospect of buying new stuff. But happily discovered some at a market... more about that later.
19. One lining for a bottle of some kind. I don't remember what this is from. It looks like what comes under pill bottles. Or maybe a juice bottle or something like that. But I really don't know what I consumed in the last month that fits that description.
All in all not bad. 19 looks like a big number, but it's not a very big pile. I feel ok about it.
Nice work! That's hardly anything.
ReplyDeleteFor cheese, you can just ask at your regular grocery store - I've been able to get cheese "off the big block in the back" from a bunch of places including Safeway and Save On Foods.
Apparently there is also a store where you can get bulk tofu near Broadway and Cambie, but I haven't actually seen it.